A request for Visitors

I know this is a bit of a different post, but I am asking for a bit of help with the website. As this site has been up for a long time (25 years now), it has gone through many changes. In the late 1990’s, I had to shrink the size of the site, which resulted in images being cropped or otherwise made smaller. Some of those images persist today. Other times, full size images didn’t quite move over as I had hoped when I changed formats or framework for the site. What I ask is this – If you find an image / map / whatever that when clicked on is still small, please let me know! Include a link to the image and the page it is on, so that I can track it down and correct it. I would like to have full size images, when possible, as they may help illustrate what I was trying to show a lot easier. I have most of the original images in their original size, so it won’t be tough to do.

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